Meet Bear, a 15 month old purebred Border Collie. He was attacked by coyotes earlier this year. They tried to remove his genitals. Bear is incredibly resilient and wouldn’t give up. He survived the attack, being out in the woods alone for a day or two, and then went through several surgeries to re-route his urinary track. He squats to pee but he doesn’t care.
Bear is young and very active. He is super sweet and as you can tell from the video on her facebook page, he loves his people. Would love to see him go to a border collie or herding dog savvy home. One that knows that he might have future urinary issues.
If you are interested in Bear, please fill out our adoption application here: https://tysorvet.net/adoption-application/
Could I see more pics of Bear.
How does he do with other dogs.
I will try and get some more photos of Bear this week. He is currently at the home of one of our employees who has several other dogs and is doing fine. Becky